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Showing posts from July, 2014

(24): Between the Private and Public Schools in Kano

Muhsin Ibrahim @Muhsin234 (Twitter) While serving the nation as corps members, there was nothing more on our minds than life after the assignment. The life was full of uncertainty and apprehension. The allowance, which was almost doubled during our stream, of N19,800 and the little stipend given by our various places of primary assignments (PPAs) would stop coming once we finish. Subhanallah! My confidant, Anas Musa, went and purchased job application forms for us at the Kano Senior Secondary School Management Board (KSSSMB). He filled him, but I was somewhat reluctant to do the same, for I was tipped off that I might be retained at my PPA or employed by a few other greener places. I finally did, and we submitted our applications. About a year passed, and nobody invited us for an interview, aptitude test or anything else. Immediately after the Service, I got an appointment with BUK and later Anas with the Federal University, Dutse. Months after, I got a call from one famous p

(23): Being Muslim and the Danger of a Single Story

Muhammad Muhsin Ibrahim @muhsin234 (Twitter) “What is your name?” Muhammad. And all eyes would turn around. It often starts just like that, for to them, every Muslim is a potential threat, a terrorist. It is extremely awkward, if not annoying, to someone like me who was born and reared in an almost 99% Muslims community. Hitherto I didn’t know that being Muslim means that much and weighs that loads; some feel even reluctant to disclose their belief. Muslims living in multi-religious and non-Muslims majority societies today have a lot of stories to tell. The story is sometimes nasty in conservative, religiously touchy and volatile places like India , where I presently reside.  Although home to about 200 million Muslims, it was discovered in a recent survey that some  Muslims have to masquerade as Hindus for India jobs.  This happens due to the schism, and sometimes animosity, between them and other faithful, particularly the majority Hindus. But