Muhammad Muhsin Ibrahim @muhsin234 I wrote this rejoinder to counter insults of Nana A'isha (R. A) by a coterie of apparently sponsored-Shiite members on Nairaland Forum on 12th Dec., 2010. The recent spate of blasphemy against the virtues of the Prophet behoved me to reproduce the article here with a few changes. Based on numerous accounts of authentic hadeeths and undistorted historical scores, Sayyidat A’isha bint Abubakar (R.A) was the favourite wife of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Some Muslim sects do, nonetheless, attack and accuse her with enthusiasm, backing their untoward actions on some free-emptied arguments and fabricated histories of what transpired after the death of her husband, the Prophet, between her and Sayyid Ali (RA). Besides, other Muslims – I am one of them – regard, revere and respect her in their best possible way; and she remains a role model for their women. The greatness of A’isha, to us, is nothing contestable and hence one needs everythin...
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